How The Feet Influence Your Low Back
Ever considered that your feet could influence that nagging back pain you've been trying to shake off? Most people don’t. But give me just 5 minutes of your time and I'll give you my top 3 tips to improve your foot health and start healing your back...
Hmmm, maybe your house is really loud right about now? Or maybe your holiday travel or jetlag left you with a headache?
Whatever the reason, having a headache is decidedly not a great way to enjoy the holidays.
So, let's fix that tension headache of yours, and let’s do it quickly!
The traffic and travel delays around the holidays can be brutal, meaning longer travel times, more time sitting in cramped spaces, and more tension and discomfort for you. Do not fear, Tristan is here! And I’m sharing with you the easiest precautionary measures and quick fixes for the most...
Let me reassure you, you don’t need to be super flexible, limber, young, or athletic to do yoga. A completely common misconception, but not true.
Yoga is the perfect way to strengthen, tone, and heal your body, creating a better, more comfortable life for you in both the short and long...
The heart chakra (Anahata) is the area of energy in your body that is related to love, care, and compassion - both for yourself and others. The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is the area of energy in your body related to feeling heard, communicating with others, and honestly vocalizing your needs....
I know what I am about to tell you might be a strange visual image but hear me out. Your gut is your second brain. The two organs have different, but overlapping functions to keep you healthy and happy. Everything in the human body is connected in some way, and there is no better example than the...
I’ve got a quick story for you, about a client who suffered from arthritis. She had been feeling achy, chronically stiff, and had pain in her joints that was starting to radiate through her limbs. Ouch. When she was diagnosed - she was shocked, thinking “I’m 23 years old - how...