The heart chakra (Anahata) is the area of energy in your body that is related to love, care, and compassion - both for yourself and others. The throat chakra (Vishuddha) is the area of energy in your body related to feeling heard, communicating with others, and honestly vocalizing your needs....
Papaya and pineapple - aside from their notoriously tropical flavors, what’s the deal with these fruits?
One of the reasons these fruits are super-powered for human health is due to their enzymatic content. Naturally occurring enzymes in these fruits get to work in your digestive...
I know some of you might have partaken in a no-alcohol challenge to start the new year. If you did, are you feeling pretty good?
The truth is that alcohol can be great! But, it can also be not so great - for various reasons - but let’s just review the basic health and wellness factors...
While your body has natural mechanisms and processes for detoxing, sometimes these systems can feel a bit sluggish, especially when it comes to digestion. Ultimately, poor digestion can lead to:
- Skin trouble
- Cramping
- Bloating
- Water retention
- Brain fog
- Joint pain
- Inflammation
- Depression
- Headaches...