Gail’s Story: Overcoming Arthritis and Regaining Freedom

I started experiencing knee, back, and hip pain when I was around 35. I figured it was just from being so active. I played softball, waitressed, and had two young children.
As the pain led to stiffness, swollen knees, and joints, I decided it was time to see a doctor about this issue. The orthopedic doctor put me on Celebrex and it helped somewhat, but it did not fix the problem entirely. The pain and swelling continued over the years until I ended up with surgery for a frozen shoulder.
Finally, I went to see a rheumatologist and was diagnosed with arthritis. I was told that it was very important to exercise along with taking medication. Over the course of three years, I tried methotrexate, Leflunamide, Hydroxychloriquine, Embrel, Humera, and finally Rinvoq. Even with the medications, I still had to have my knee drained twice. I also tried to exercise like I used to at the gym, but it only seemed to inflame my joints. I became very depressed and frustrated because it felt like fighting a losing battle. I was at my wit's end and was tired of taking all the medication and risking my health, especially with the outbreak of COVID-19, so I knew it was time to try something new.
That is when I started Tristan’s Yoga Prehab® Courses. His Knee Reset for Pain + Stiffness and Hip Reset for Pain + Stiffness course along with 11 Day Core Restore have given me back my life. I am able to do the things I want to do without the pain and inflammation I experienced from normal gym exercise. My flexibility and strength returned and I now have the proper tools to use to combat any knee, hip, or back issue before it can become a problem.
I remember looking at the cost of his courses and wasn’t sure if I wanted to spend that much money on something I had never tried - would it work? But, I read the reviews and calculated just how much I had spent on a gym membership, doctor bills, therapy, and medications and realized the cost of his program was a drop in the bucket compared to these expenses. Not to mention the 2 years of pain I suffered from the frozen shoulder. I started with the Knee Reset and fell in love with the way I started feeling and healing. I was hooked and the more courses I purchased, the more my body and life started to return. The way he has developed these programs and the information he provides has truly made a difference in my life.
I can get down on the ground and play with my granddaughter or climb the steps to her playhouse. I have energy again and most importantly, I have “me” back. At 58 years old I am more active than I was in my forties.
Thank you Tristan for sharing your passion for yoga and knowledge of Physical Therapy with all of us in these courses so that we can take back our health and wellness!
Are you struggling with arthritis?
I formulated a gentle, progressive course exactly for you! Try CHAIR YOGA FOR JOINT HEALING today!
✔︎ You want to heal and prevent painful, stiff joints from limiting your mobility!
✔︎ You crave an easy, effective, gentle yoga practice from the comfort of your own home!
✔︎ You desire a safer yoga practice to improve your mobility and achieve comfortable movement!
✔︎ You want to optimize your joint health and prevent pain + stiffness before it even begins — the best rehab is prehab!
✔︎ You would like to avoid expensive trips to the Doctor, Physical Therapist, or Chiropractor!
✔︎ You need an easy-to-understand instructor and a clear “done-for-you” approach to resolving your joint pain and stiffness!
CLICK HERE TO DISCOVER MOREFree 25 Minute Mini-Masterclass: Heal Back Pain Through Your Toes
Dive into in-depth tailored tutorials that enhance toe strength and mobility, promoting balance, optimizing foot action, and reducing stiffness in your knees, hips, and lower back.
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